I will start a drift based walk this afternoon. I've arrived at the gallery and have set up the space to work in. I have an internet connection which is great and I have projected the blog on to the far wall in front of me. The scale is huge. It is so exciting when people move in the space, it is if you are walking amongst the words and you can see yourself walking down the street in Kellerberrin.
The first thing I did when I walked in to the gallery yesterday was to place my wet umbrella in the space. I took a photo on my phone (see above). Today I took a print out of it and got it blown up to A0 and have placed the sheet on the floor where the umbrella was. Next to it are my boots and the closed umbrella (it has been drier today although it has just been hailing). I really like the way the blog casts it's light on to these objects. And how sitting at one end of the gallery my thoughts are being projected in front of me,bigger than my own physical self.
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